Mandolins of other makers in Russia

A variety of Italian and German mandolins were readily available in pre-1917 Russia via numerous musical instruments dealers, in St Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of Russian Empire, big and small. Large dealerships sent out free mail-order catalogues on request.

Good quality mandolin makers (on top of Embergher, Calace and Vinaccia) that I’ve seen the instruments of in Russia were Luigi Salsedo, De Meglio, Giovanni Minieri and Puglisi Reale & Figli. Plus numerous smaller and less known makers from Naples, Catania and Saxony.


De Meglio No. 2 model from 1907 I.F. Mueller catalogue and the actual instrument.

Puglisi Reale and Figli were represented on the largest scale. Nearly every musical instrument shop in pre-1917 Russia had a variety of Puglisi models in stock.

Puglisis were of good quality, reasonably priced, had innovative designs, a very large model range and were the best sellers in Russia. There were even fake Puglisi in Russia due to their popularity.

rozmyslov-puglisi puglisi 1913

Alexei Rozmyslov, St Petersburg catalog circa 1908 and Jacob Rozmyslov’s from 1913 showing various Puglisi models.


Puglisi with added Zimmermann label

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1910 Puglisi Reale & Figli fluted ribs mandolin from Russia


J.H. Zimmermann catalogue circa 1906


Luigi Salsedo from J.H. Zimmermann catalogue and the actual instrument

If you happen to have any Russian musical instrument dealers catalogues, please contact me. I am happy to offer the scans I have for swap. Thank you.